This is, however, the last such episode with a villain.
Interestingly, both this episode and "The Fury Is Out On This One" had a male villain.
The mother rhyme bird is voiced by Chantal Strand, just like Cassie, and she is the only rhyme bird to speak in full sentences, and only use two words that rhyme in the process, instead of just saying three rhyming words in a row like most of them do, or to say a sentence without rhyming.
As for the baby rhyme bird, he is voiced by Danny McKinnon, also the voice of Max.
The reason for Cassie not speaking up when needed was because Wheezie laughed at her for suggesting that Ord use two bats, just because there was only one ball.
Emmy and Max were farther from the camera than usual when reciting the rhyme to enter Dragon Land, and are in the lower left of the screen instead of dead center. The music cue is also different.
In cooking talk, "over easy" is when the egg whites are cooked softly, and the yolks are still runny.